Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day!!  This is my 4th mother’s day as a new mom and, I have to say, it just keeps on getting better each year.  Every year I feel like I am growing.  Growing as a wife, a mother, a friend.  Every year I am learning new things, experiencing new things and figuring it all out.  I’m learning how to juggle family and work life.  I’m learning how to handle two kids.  I’m learning how to find balance in my life and keep myself from caving in.  This past year has been a little rough with a new baby– not easy!  She requires a lot more attention than my first.  I recently started using my Moby wrap while I cleaned the house.  Not too bad.  She starts to squirm out of it after 20 minutes so I have to work fast.

But I love being a mother.  Wouldn’t trade it for the world.  I love watching my kids grow and learn new things. A is starting to balance on her own. She’ll be walking before we know it.  O just finished her first year in preschool.  You should watch her recite the pledge of allegiance.  TOO CUTE!

So I raise a glass (yes! a wine glass!!)  to all those mothers out there.  The ones staying up at all hours of the night to comfort a sick child.  To the ones who will stop at nothing to provide for their families.  To the ones who work multiple jobs to make ends meet.  The ones who will do anything to make sure their kids are happy, healthy and safe.  To all those men and women who have assumed the role of mother to care for a child that is not their own.  And to the ones who love unconditionally so that their kids know love.  I salute you.

Today is your day!  Enjoy it.

Thoughts? I'd love to know!